Young hayscented fern on May 3 2011
As is the case with a lot of other fern species, hayscented fern is best grown in moist, rich, humusy, and acidic soil. As for light, it prefers partial to full shade. However, it can take full sun if you keep it moist. Preferences aside, it tolerates a wide range of soils, including poor rocky soils and dry soils.
This particular fern could be a trouble maker in your yard, unless your goal is to have abundant hayscented fern throughout – it spreads very aggresively by rhizomes, and will form dense colonies.
The genus name honors A. W. Dennstaedt, a 18th century German botanist. Also, the fronds smell like freshly mown hay when bruised…
A month later - a thicket of Dennstaedtia punctilobula
frond detail
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