This plant is best suited in a clearing in the woodland garden, since it prefers partial to full sunlight. Foxglove beardtongue has beautiful dark green leaves, but the best features are its long flowering stalks which are over 3 feet tall. The tubular flowers are mostly white but they have faint violet lines which serve as guides to visiting insects. The bumble bees have taken a great liking to Penstemon digitalis, and I have to be somewhat careful walking or working near the plants – they seem a bit more aggressive for they seem to think I’m going to deprive them of the nectar. Foxglove beardtongue is a perennial which will spread from rhizomes, but it also produces a good amount of seed. The stalks will eventually fall over and the seed will be deposited nearby the current plants.
I’ve found the plant very easy to grow, but you need to make sure it is watered if there is a drought. A few weeks back the plants wilted somewhat with the high 90 degree weather, but they recovered quickly with some water. They are looking quite happy with the recent series of thunderstorms we’ve been experiencing.
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